Age: 53 years old
From: Massachusetts
What treatments did you undergo during your journey? Chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, alternative treatment, and integrative treatment.
What were your signs/symptoms leading up to your diagnosis? Pain in my hip flexor.
How did cancer alter your lifestyle? Mentally, I required more focus on self care, and emotionally I became more aware of the friends surrounding me.
What kept/keeps you going? My physical activities of biking, hiking, my pups as companions, yoga, and my drive to go to treatment to live, not live to go to treatment.
What makes your story unique or helpful to others? I live alone and am a strong advocate for myself. I published a book on my story to inspire others.
Any advice for those coming behind you? Just because treatment ends doesn’t mean cancer is over. That implies the past never happened.
Do you have a funny cancer story? After my first femur surgery, I was still on crutches and undergoing chemotherapy when I competed in a triathlon! I crutched my way to the lake, face planted and swam my butt off, then grabbed my crutches on the way out and passed people running to the bike transition!
Favorite quote, scripture or song? Triathlons are for people who can’t handle drugs and alcohol.
Product or service that changed your life? Acupuncture for neuropathy.
How did you hear about Brighter? How has it made a difference? A friend gave me a copy of the magazine years ago.
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Saturday, March 22th
10am – 1pm
Chicken N Pickle
Grand Pairie, Texas